Saturday, March 4, 2017

Oscars Post-mortem, Part 4: Favourite Nuggets

You can't catch everything there is to catch at the Oscars in one viewing. Half the joy is going back and putting the telecast under a microscope, looking for all the tiny bemusing details. These are my favourite such nuggets from the show:

Someone from Alessandro Bertolazzi's cheering section records his Oscar speech on a phone with a Suicide Squad Joker skin. How apropos.

Colleen Atwood reveals that Sting told her she would win. He must have won his Oscar pool, because who in their right mind would have predicted Fantastic Beasts to win for costumes?

Andrew Garfield stands up to grab Junior Mints falling from the heavens, only to give them away to fellow nominee Casey Affleck. What a gent.

Kevin O'Connell's sneakers -- He literally ran up to the stage.
This Oscar's been a long time coming.

The camera cuts backstage before a station break, showing now-infamous PwC accountant Brian Cullinan and the colleague he dragged down with him, Martha Ruiz. She's got her eyes on the page, he's got his eyes on the camera. How's that for an omen! The dramatic irony of this insignificant cutaway in light of what would happen roughly an hour later is too much.

Matt Damon gives away the winner of Best Original Screenplay a split second before verbally announcing it with this tell-tale smile.

Ryan Gosling literally lifts Damien Chazelle off the ground as the Best Director winner heads to his historic Oscar.

Denzel Washington, gracious in defeat.

But then again, he looked like that even before Affleck won, so... maybe it was gas?

We've all discussed and analyzed those last eight minutes of the show to death at this point, but every time I revisit this shot my eyes instantly track to Horowitz and Jenkins embracing in front of all the pandemonium. There's a lesson to be gleaned from this incredible situation, and that image sums it up best.